Sizzle Reel Secret: How We Sell TV Shows


It is a truism of reality TV. There’s no better way to sell a show than to produce a great pitch video. Most pitch reels are low-budget. But, even if you have no money there’s one thing you can do to make sure your tape stands out. In fact, we used this secret to sell many TV shows, and give you three actual examples. PLUS: a bonus graphic tip you can’t live without! Here it is: our own secret revealed…

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Making TV Pilots: 5 Practical Tips You Can Use


We just came off of an exhilarating – and exhausting – weekend shooting a cable network pilot for a huge, formatted TV show. In our sleep-deprived, semi-delirious state, it occurred to us this is the perfect time to discuss something we’re asked about often: making TV pilots. Rather than just blathering on (we did mention we’re a little loopy, right?) we’ve put together a list of 5 practical tips to both explore how TV pilots work, and help you when you’re out making TV pilots for yourself.

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7 Must-Know Tips for Pitching Reality TV


It’s episode 70, and we’re sharing 7 Must-Know Tips for Pitching Reality TV. These are hand-picked to help you avoid the mistakes we see new producers make over and over again. Whether you’re pitching to us or anyone else, by using these 7 tips you’ll look like a pro and drastically increase your chances of moving your project forward.

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TV Versus YouTube – Where Does Your Show Belong?


TV versus YouTube – it’s something that comes up in discussions with aspiring producers on a daily basis. Why do some shows work better on YouTube than TV? Is TV always better than YouTube? What are the pros and cons of each? Today we’re going to tell you exactly why you may want one platform over another — and we bet many of the reasons will surprise you!

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3 Cheerful Filmmaking Facts for 2016


As 2015 comes to a close, we decided to make this episode our “end of year special!” And what could be more special than cheerful news for every kind of filmmaker? Get ready for three things we’re super jazzed about as 2015 ends and 2016 dawns…

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Casting Tapes: Show, Tell, or Both?


As you already know from reading our in-depth guide on creating and pitching reality shows, there is no better way to quickly break into the business than building your show around a great, real life character. But when you’re putting together very basic casting tapes to test whether or not someone might be great TV, there’s a HUGE mistake you need to avoid.

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Casting Agreements for Reality TV: What-When-Why-How?


Casting Agreements for reality TV and unscripted television — what are they, and do you need one? Do you need casting agreements for all reality TV projects, or just some? Will they cost you money? Should you get a lawyer? Could not getting those casting agreements come back to bite you? The answers are not easy to figure out, but we’re here to talk you through them.

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2 Paths to Hollywood Success


If you want to work in unscripted television, reality TV — or the entertainment business in general — there are two well-worn paths that lead to success. Which one is right for you? Today we reveal pros and cons on each, and share which one worked for us.

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