Landing Jobs in Hollywood – Insider Tips


One way to break into Hollywood? Get a job on a real production. While not the simplest route, you’d be amazed to learn how many people shoot themselves in the foot by making easy-to-avoid mistakes. Seriously! Fresh off a recent hiring spree, we tell you exactly why we automatically considered some applicants, and instantly rejected others. Give yourself a leg up on the competition today by following these tips.Landing Jobs In Hollywood with Joke and Biagio

Uncommon Sense

You’d think some things are just plain old “common sense.” Awhile ago, Joke started using the phrase “uncommon sense” and it’s really stuck around here. Why? Because so much of what we in the industry take to be “common sense” apparently isn’t.

We don’t know why that is, but after filling a handful of positions on several shows and at the office in the past few months at our production company Joke Productions, we were amazed (even a little devastated) to find so many (hundreds!) of applicants who blew serious consideration for the jobs right off the bat.

Just a few things we cover today in hopes of sharing some “uncommon sense” 🙂

  • Fixing your cover letters/emails in two minutes or less.
  • Properly researching and understanding the position.
  • One simple trick to make your cover letter instantly stand out.
  • Video cover letters — yes or no?
  • Handling an interview correctly.
  • And…did Joke ever actually give birth to our baby boy?

Hit the giant PLAY button above to instantly increase your odds of getting a job in Hollywood.

Transcript coming soon!

Helpful and Related Links

How Not To Suck: Hollywood Advice We Love. Don’t be that person!

3 Tips to Break Into Hollywood and Stay There. More helpful advice.

How to make the Move to Hollywood – a helpful post that lead to us hiring ther very person who asked us the question!

We’re speaking at Getting Real, and here is more info on the event.

Subscribe to Joke and Biagio on Youtube.

Seriously, subscribe. Biagio has talked Joke into going on camera. A minor miracle.

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Come Make a Show With Us!

You know you want to!

We’ve even given you 7 simple steps to pitch to us, boiling it all down into one post.

So you know what’s next:

How to Pitch to Us

Read our in-depth page about how to pitch us a show . It also talks about what it’s really like to work in our business, the unscripted TV and film industry.