From Concept to TV Airwaves: 3 Examples From People Just Like You – Plus Takeaways


Want to get that concept out of your head and on TV? This episode we’ve got three real-world examples from people just like you, plus take-aways you can use to help get your ideas on television.We cover a lot of ground in this week’s episode.

From Idea to TV Airwaves

This episode we break down three real-world examples of people we teamed up with. Where did their pitches begin? How did we shape them together? What was the process to getting them on television? And what are some take-aways that will help you find Unscripted TV success faster? Hit the big “PLAY” button above to get the goodies.

Producing Unscripted Podcast with Joke and Biagio - Today: From Concept to TV Airwaves Like last episode, we’re once again broadcasting from a secret location on our top secret new show — which means it’s another iPhone episode. Good information, slightly crappy microphone, but we’re committed to getting you a show every two weeks…whatever it takes!

We touch on a few other things in this week’s podcast as well.

We Are A Production Company

Our company, Joke Productions, is a full-fledged production company. We have about 7000 square feet of office space next to Universal Studios, about 20 edit bays, 25 cameras, an online suite, lights, etc etc. However, while all that gear is necessary, it’s not what really makes us a production company.

In our business, only one thing truly makes you production company.

TV Networks trust you to make TV shows.

They hand you over a big fat check, and expect you to deliver a TV show on time and on budget.

It takes many years and a lots of experience to become an approved production company. Look for more in an upcoming podcast.

In today’s episode, however, we share the fastest way to become a production company.

If you haven’t already hit the giant “Play” button at the top of this post, go for it (or better yet, listen and subscribe on iTunes.)

Tweet of the Week

A possible new segment here on Producing Unscripted, inspired by this tweet from Kelly Anelons:

Want to be seen here? Tweet us your interesting/entertaining/insightful tweets. We’re @jokeandbiagio on Twitter.

Helpful and Related Links

Post about the guys who pitched us CAGED

Trailer for MTV’s True Life Presents: Secrets, Lies, and Sex

More about the show Suzanne pitched us, BIO’s Ghost Inside My Child

Transcript coming soon!
UPDATE: Transcript Now Available.

Okay, you know that three people like you have brought us ideas that have made it to TV…why not you next?

How to Pitch to Us

Read our in-depth page about how to pitch us a show . It also talks about what it’s really like to work in our business, the unscripted TV and film industry.